During the night I heard a scream of a cat dying. Twas horrifying. I literally chilled compeltly. Then while I was on Facebook on the mobile, I saw that my mate Stephen had lost his cat and he had pleaded for its return. Then I got the willies. whereby thoughts were racing. In that I ring Stephen and ask him to describe the color of the cat, he telling me over the phone dark black/brown I see the cat screaming. So then I get onto DSPCA(Dublin Society Prevention Cruelty to Animals) to tell em theres a dead cat around. I inform Stephen and he hops on the first plane to Irl(He is in NZ) as it takes over 24hrs to come over. I then tell the Stephen to wait as someone has come to claim it. But then DSPCA tell me its someone in NZ and theys on the way. So yeahhh. THOUGHT ends there.
I wanted to test Timehop app on my sex Facebook account, however I get a prompt saying I need to verify my identity. Possibly solution could be because of the names are identical. So still thinking clearly. heeheh
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