So after my nice nice hibernation, I got up took a few pics of my inflatables etc., I was most down hearted, from Mom's voicemails, in that especially Dad's. They actually thought SOMETHING had happened to me. Which is kinda weird, as I had turned on the AutoSMS "I'm asleep". But anyways, I rang em. Mom answered, all's well now. However I did point out to her, that she had a VERY worrying voice in her last voicemail. So I cleared this up with her. She was rushing to get to her weekly Gallery.
Maureen kept referring to "Best Friend" as I kept hearing someone in the background. She was very abrupt alrite, by that I mean, she wouldn't listen to any of my questions, until EVENTUALLY. No question. Felt very cold from her, as in Do this, Do that. etc., etc., She has changed drastically and I DON'T like it. I kept repeating what she said to do over and over throughout the night.
I then got ready for my night out. hahaha. I went to Tescos to get Milk. Then I went to the Outhouse. Where I was met with great enthusiasm. Sometimes a bit "too much" enthusiasm. By that I mean, one of the patrons, Con, was a bit over sexuialise. By this, I mean that he had said something, that he had seen Patrick one of the patrons, having sex etc., or being spanked. A bit OTT. So I was since told that he was reported ie as a complaint. I bumped into quite a few fellas. ehehehe. One of em being David O' T. I had been ignoring him over what he had done to me, ie the bitching that occurred towards in October. I let him fry in it, as Brendan S told me that the last time, that David was upset or something of that nature.
So then I headed off to meet Emil for Interstellar(REVIEW here). On my way, a lad whos' smoking in the Woolshed. He asks me if I'm "with anyone". I said in a strict voice, "Course not". Then he asked "can we swap nums?" I was taken quite taken aback. Then I realsied, it had something to down with my Rainbow Colored Umbrella aka Umbi. - hahaha. So then, I met Emil. Just before the movie started, he said to me that the reason he wouldn't be into a particular film is because the characters are "ugly". Well the laugh I got out of it. I explained that some films I go to see are mainly cause of the characters are cute yes, BUT also the plot etc., hehehehe. He literally jet passed me. hahahaah. Then after the movie, we dispersed. eheheh
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